I'm only posting some stockpiling highlights, as I'm recovering from a cold and didn't have the energy to set everything up for pictures. I spent the better part of the weekend in bed and didn't even get the paper on Sunday. So bummed, because I wanted those BOGOF Dial Qs. So off to Walmart I went on Monday, because I know they still sell the Sunday paper on Mondays. I first stopped at Dollar Tree next door. They had papers, but no inserts. ugh.

While at Walmart, I decided to just do grocery shopping on the fly. As I walked into the store, I saw a man with what looked like disinfecting wipes in his cart. It was under other groceries and I could just make out the top part. So I hightailed it to the cleaning section and found empty shelves :( I'm guessing I was wrong, because I didn't see anyone else with wipes). I did go to the Beauty section though to see if they had any Wet Ones. I had a 'be still my heart' moment when I spotted these babies. It's only the 20ct packs, but I was so very happy to see these again (I forgot to check RA last week). So I took 2 packs and placed it in my cart. Then I thought 'there's no limit', so I went back and got another one...lol I do still have 2 tubs of Wet Ones (I always keep these in my car for when I go thrifting or to yard sales), but decided to get more since we don't know how long shortages will last.
I also bought 2 more cooking spray. I don't know why I bought more. I had that exact same thought when I bought Softsoap refills last year. The refills were on sale for $1.99, so I bought 3, used $5 points and paid $1.06 for 3 bottles. I remember thinking 'why on earth am I buying more soap when we still have a new refill bottle at home (I know that one bottle lasts us a year).... and then Covid happened. So I'm just trusting my instincts on this.
Walmart had zero canned peas. Yikes. I've been shopping at a different Walmart (a few miles further from home), because DH said that our local Walmart is near a hotspot area (this was when the pandemic started). But since I was out that way, I decided to just stop there. I also couldn't find any molasses. I remembered that I need molasses for my ginger(bread) cookies. I'll have to check Meijer. I did find more of those Libby's pumpkin pie filling cans, so picked up another one. No regular canned pumpkin though.
Still no yeast to be found at any Walmarts, but DH found some at Aldi. I'm thankful that we have a good yeast supply now.
If you love baking over the holidays, then I'll advise you to stock up now. It's scary to see how empty shelves are. What if there's another lockdown? Things will look even worse then.
I was very happy to see store brand chickpeas. I got 6 cans, but when I got to checkout I noticed that one was dented, so I left it behind.
I also stopped at the produce market. As I walked into the store, I saw these blueberry boxes for $2! Whoo-hoo! I'm a berry girl, but blueberries are my absolute favorite. DH knows to bring blueberries when he finds it at a good price. It doesn't matter if we already have blueberries at home. He knows I love this stuff. There were 8 x 18 oz containers per box (DH already took one package to eat when I got home). I really wanted another box, but the rest were in poor shape.
Let me tell you that cleaning these suckers is no small task. Well separating the good from the bad is the hard part. I got that done yesterday. I filled 2 gallon size bags and froze them. So happy to have some berries for winter. I love them in smoothies.
I also bought a huge bag of red peppers for $8.xx. There were 15 peppers in the bag. Another favorite of ours. Today I'll clean, dice and freeze those.
I overspent our weekly budget by $10, but that always happens when I go to the produce market. I go every 3-4 weeks and fill my cart.
I still need to head to Meijer & CVS for Dial deals. Meijer has the spend $12 get $3 discount again, so I'll pick up bar soap. I'll get b/w at CVS, since the price is better than Softsoap.
I'm so glad I did all the shopping and cooking on Monday, because I couldn't keep my eyes open yesterday. I needed to run some errands and just plopped down on the couch when I got home. Thankfully I'm feeling better today, so I can get some stuff done.