Monday, September 11, 2023

Menu Plan Monday

Hi everyone

It turns out we got school germs after all. Saturday morning DS woke up with a runny nose & I had a scratchy throat and sore/stiff body. So we stayed home for the day. I tried to take a nap, but had so much on my mind, I just tossed and turned in bed. We had vitamin C loaded smoothies after lunch & guava juice with dinner. Saturday night we both took flu pills and had an early night. DS slept for 12 hours, but I woke up hours before him (habit). Yesterday, he felt a bit better, but not 100%. He didn't want to bake muffins or go out (I normally take DS out to dinner on Sundays), so we decided to go to Romania (remain here - stay home 😂 It's a Cape Town thing). I really didn't mind, because I was in a fog all day. I did a bit of cooking, baked the muffins and samosas, did laundry, then went back to bed and slept for a few hours. Then we had an early night again and feel a lot better today (all that sleep helped a lot). DS feels great, but I'm not 100% yet. 

I made an omelet for breakfast and could tell that something tasted off. It was the cottage cheese. I stopped eating the omelet and settled for toast. I now think that it was probably the cottage cheese (not the black beans) that made me sick the last time. I don't even like cottage cheese (I only eat it for extra protein in the morning), so I'm happy to skip it. I'd rather eat an extra egg or yogurt (which I love). Here's our menu plan for this week:

Monday : Chicken curry and rice with beetroot salad

Tuesday : Chicken roll with salad and veggie side (pick your veggies)

Wednesday : Same as Monday

Thursday : Same as Tuesday

Friday : Leftovers for me. Carry out for DS

Breakfasts : Bran apple muffins, french toast, eggs, toast, cereal

Lunch : Protein from freezer with salad or leftovers

There's always a wide variety of fresh fruit, veg and salad fixings available. 

I didn't finish all the cooking yesterday, because I need puff pastry for the chicken roll. I need to head out to the stores in a little while, then I'll complete the cooking later. 

I cooked a lot on Labor day, so there's other things to eat too. I made a big batch of beef pie filling and froze that in portions. I made a big pie for dinner last week and also mini ones for school lunch. I can just pull filling from the freezer any time I want to make more individual pies. I have some pie crusts. Same with taco meat. I made a big batch, beans in the instant pot, fresh pico, so I made some burritos to freeze. I had burrito and salad for Friday dinner. No money spent and no junk eaten. 

I have to admit though, that I'm getting a bit tired of figuring out meals. Does anyone ever feel that way? I hope the BF knows that he's gonna have to give me meal ideas in future, even if it's just his favorites. I really don't mind doing the cooking, but I'd like input on the menu. 

Have a wonderful week peeps!


  1. Sorry to hear you were sick again but happy that you're on the mend. Sleep and Vitamin C are always the best cures for me too. When I'm in a food rut I flip through cookbooks for inspiration. The big guy is of NO help. I ask what he wants and he just says "whatever you feel like". That is no help at all. lol Wishing you a wonderful week as well!!

    1. Lol.. Men! We don't ask for much. All I want is help with the menu. I'll gladly do all the cooking & will even throw in dessert too. Want something special for lunch? I'll fix it. I'm not against him volunteering to help with cooking or baking

      I'm feeling much better, thank you! I'm just making sure we get enough Vitamin C daily. Have a great day my friend!

  2. Sorry to hear that you and your DS got a bug from school. I do hope you are feeling better now.

    God bless.


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