Monday, April 25, 2022

Menu plan Monday

Well my menu plan got rearranged once again. DH went to dinner with a friend on Friday and brought back a large amount of mexican food. This just after DS & I had already eaten (I had leftovers & DH never mentioned that he was gonna bring back any food). So we have way too much food. There's leftovers & leftovers & more leftovers. The freezer is full. I can't add anything else to it. We ate mexican all weekend. We'll be eating & cooking from the freezer & pantry before I buy anything else. So here's what we're doing this week. 

Monday : Ground beef curry & rice, veggies & beetroot salad

Tuesday : Sweet & sour chicken stir fry & rice

Wednesday : Leftover curry etc

Thursday : Leftover stir fry

Friday : Sams pizza from the freezer or chicken wraps with leftover chicken from Easter.

The caprese chicken has once again moved to the back burner. I don't want to cook any more food, until we've eaten most of the leftovers. I might just make a caprese salad sometime this week. I only need to cook stir fry tomorrow. I prefer making it fresh.

I also made banana oatmeal muffins for breakfast & our mushroom mix. So we can have cereal, omelets, breakfast burritos or muffins for breakfast. Everything's ready to heat & eat, except for omelets. I like to make that fresh. 

I got a $2 box of apples at the produce market last week, so we made apple juice and applesauce. 

I don't need anything at the grocery store this week. I did read that Costco has Lacroix on sale, so I might head to the store for some. I've replaced my soda with Lacroix & have to admit that I don't even miss my diet Coke. 

Have a wonderful week everyone. Those who are currently experiencing inclement weather, stay safe & warm.


  1. Your menu sounds really good.
    We are stocked so no grocery shopping for me this week either.
    Have a great week!

    1. Thank you Lori! Don't you just love not having to grocery shop for an entire week? You too have a great week!

  2. You are like me. I need to do a grocery eat down. I am going to concentrate on that when I get back from this wedding.

    1. It's the best course of action for me right now Kim. Not wasting anything. Safe travels to the wedding my friend.


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